It is with great joy that I announce that today, thanks to the help and assistance of my European partners, my new YouTube channel MUSIC THERAPY CENTER began its opened !
Where I will specifically upload only my Healthy Music Meditations.
And very soon, in one of the beautiful European countries, my first MUSIC THERAPY CENTER will start working.
My Health Music Meditations will only be available to listen to on this YouTube channel. Those interested can subscribe via the link:
"Having found myself on planet Earth several millennia ago with a wrecked spaceship, I have been looking for a long time for the owner of such a consciousness, with whom I would like to be friends. I knew that I needed to get out of the impossible, I would have to wait a long time for them - until the end of the Kali Yuga, when the Interstellar Gates will open again and mine will come for me.
It was the time when the cosmic parasite Faceless Yahweh seized power and total control on the planet Earth and began to use the planet Earth as a laboratory for the creation and cultivation of organic life, and had already created the first people - Adam and Lilith. The fiery air Lilith very quickly sent him to all four directions and he, rejected and discouraged by such behavior of the first woman, tried to create a new and submissive woman (he was not lucky this time either, and he had to subsequently compose the Bible and program those who read this book people so that they don’t even think and don’t think - to whom did Eve go to visit in the evenings for the long 800 years of her first life in life on planet Earth? And is it possible that such a chic woman, surrounded by the close attention of the royal representatives of many races of inorganic life - for 800 years was content only with the company of a mentally retarded moron "husband", who almost immediately began to slander and rushed to his creator's knees for help?...)...
The only consciousness that caught the attention of the Star Wanderer was the Devil. And then Friendship began, a great friendship between the Star Wanderer and the Devil. So He introduced me to Eve...
Whose black, like Darkness, and deep, like an abyss and sparkling with lightning, the Predator's eyes are simply impossible to forget even after many incarnations..."
STAR Wanderer***
From my Album:
All rights reserved and belong to Mikayel Gabrielyan, 2023.
Пока не знаю точно - в какой именно стране начнет работу мой первый Music Therapy Center.
Знаю точно - моей планете нужен RELAX, особенно в этот сумасшедший век !
"Музыка, как и очень многое в этом мире есть Информация. Она везде !
Есть люди, которые выбрали её не замечать (когда то в своей жизни сделали такой выбор), или их сознание замечает музыку только в деградированном виде (опять же сами так выбрали). Что же происходит с человеком, когда он получает не искажённую информацию, музыку ? Некоторая Музыка (как информация) способна дойти до глубинных недр бессознательного человека и обеспечить хотя бы на несколько секунд идентификацию с человеческими архетипами. A потом... Потом происходит Чудо ! Как минимум вКлючается резервное восстановление организма, которое сознанием невозможно контролировать и включить (это на физическом уровне). А на психическом - человек переносится в другую реальность (трансцендентную), главным образом отличающееся от обычной тем, что Цели обычной реальности (деньги, статус, власть и удовольствия) - там всего лишь СРЕДСТВА для достижения более высоких Целей..."
Пока не знаю точно - в какой именно стране начнет свою работу мой первый Music Therapy Center.
А сейчас я приглашаю всех желающих послушать мою музыку с помощью интернета и буду очень рад и счастлив, если она будет полезной ! Желаю Вам приятного прослушивания и буду рад за предложения !
Now I'm dreaming to create a Center of the Music Therapy to help people with help of music to reduce stress in our stressful 21st century.
I do not know exactly when (I hope very soon) and what kind of country will work my first "Mikayel Gabrielyan Music Therapy Center". "Music is very much in this world have the information. It is everywhere ! But there are people who have chosen to ignore it (as in his life made this choice), or their consciousness sees music only in degraded form (again, do so choose). What happens to a man when he gets the right information, the music ?? Some of the music (the information) is able to reach the deep unconscious human entrails and provide at least a few seconds, the identification with the "archetype" of men. A then ... Then a Miracle happens ! At least turn on the backup recovery of the body, which is impossible to control the mind and turn (it on a physical level). And on the mental - the person is transferred to another reality (transcendence), mostly different from the usual that objectives of ordinary reality (money, status, power, and pleasure) - there is only a means to achieve higher goals ..."
I don’t know for sure yet - in which country my first Music Therapy Center will start its work. But now I invite to everyone to try to listen this my musicwith internet.
I wish you a happy listening and will be glad for your suggestions ! Sincerely, Mikayel Gabrielyan